Founded in 1980, Alconbury Recreation Field Charity is home to many sporting and community events.
Our charity faces ongoing overhead increases as electricity/gas prices raise. This together with reduced footfall is greatly impacting the charities ability to provide subsidised recreational and sporting activities for the local community.
We wish to update our community building with solar roof panels to reduce our carbon footprint. By doing so the annual electricity bill, which is currently more than £6,000 a year will be significantly reduced. Additionally, we potentially could make further savings by using any excess solar energy to heat water used within the building for showers and general use. Furthermore, any excess power generated by the system may exported to the national grid, and thus provide further income to our charity.
Reducing ongoing annual overheads will allow the charity to reduce our carbon footrpint, and enable us to plough monies received from other fundraising activities directly into provide sporting opportunites.